
Highway communications, monitoring, collect fees system lightning protection solutions

One, overview of lightning disaster is a "United Nations International Disaster ten years" published in ten of the most serious natural disasters.The latest statistics show that, the lightning caused by natural disasters loss has risen to third.The United States ranked among the top 1000 enterprises, the average every year due to a lightning strike is a loss of $200000 a year, China, caused by lightning casualties nearly 10 thousand people, lightning caused property damage estimated at 50~100 billion yuan.Guangdong Guangdong Province at present average annual thunderstorm days nearly 90 days, frequent rate ranked second in the nation, but due to a higher degree of modernization, the losses caused by the lightning stroke lists the whole nation the first.A microelectronic communication network equipment located in various buildings, due to lightning induction caused by indoor information system microelectronic equipment damage significantly increased the likelihood of each year, all kinds of lightning events proved repeatedly: conventional building design and installation of lightning protection device and can not effectively prevent lightning induction, electromagnetic pulse, static electricity and lightning wave intrusion on the communication system and computer network information system the harm caused by.Highway two, the comprehensive lightning protection design scheme based on comprehensive lightning protection in highway design mainly adopts the following standards, for a time reference.In 1, GB50057-94 "design code for lightning protection of buildings" 2, GB50343-2004 "of building electronic information system." "3, IEC61024" IEC61312 "4 building lightning protection, protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse" 5, GB50174-93 "code for design of electronic computer room" three, high speed road building lightning protection measures in 1, monitoring center building in general set in the control and management of freeway access terminal or central position of the region.Due to the surrounding terrain relatively open, floor is in commonly six above, height more than 20m and the roof is also provided with various types of communications antennas, some still frame is provided with a tower, these are the important objectives of lightning.The building has a large number of real-time operation of the electronic, microelectronic devices, and the entire airport command center height, according to GB50057-94 "design code for protection of structures" (2000 EDITION) regulations, can be divided into two types of lightning protection building.According to the rolling ball method (by rolling ball radius 45m) design of lightning arrester.Design method please refer to "design code for protection of structures" appendix four, decided to lightning number, layout, height, should be considered in the design of lightning arrester of local 30 years the gale wind strength, and have a certain margin.2, in order to reduce the lightning rod arrester to prevent acid rain on maintenance, corrosion, should be in the control center building roof installation stainless steel rod, its height and quantity according to the rolling ball method to calculate the protection range can cover the whole building center building surface and various types of antennas, which can effectively prevent direct lightning strike to protect the building roof and various types of communication security.In 3, along the road monitoring camera is mounted the tilt rod, toll station square head rod and LED sign top each installation of a stainless steel rod, to protect a pan-tilt camera and other equipment from lightning strike damage.In 4, highway toll station steel roof and large outdoor electronic screen top zygomorphic by installing a set of tower needle pointed lightning rod, to protect the toll station steel roof and electronic display frame structure against lightning damage.

